Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center, Department of Population Health

Poultry Medicine


Research Interests

  • Clinical and molecular virology
  • Identification and characterization of avian viruses
  • Epidemiology of avian viruses
  • Development of molecular tools for identification of avian viruses
  • Enteric viral diseases of poultry

Educational Background

  • BS (1990), Biology, Stephen F. Austin State University
  • MS (1993), Medical Microbiology, The University of Georgia
  • PhD (1998), Medical Microbiology, The University of Georgia


  • ​American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP), 1995-present
  • American Society for Virology (ASV), 1998-present
  • American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, 2000-present
  • Southern Conference on Avian Diseases, 2000- present (President 2007)

Selected Publications

  • Durairaj, V., H.S. Sellers, and E. Mundt. Development of a novel in vivo experimental model to differentiate antigenic variations among infectious bursal disease viruses. Avian Pathol, DOI:10.1080/03079457.2013.793783.
  • Corrie C. Brown, Lauren Sullivan, Louise Dufour-Zavala, Arun Kulkarni, Susan Williams, Leonardo Susta, Jian Zhang, and Holly Sellers. Presence of APMV-1 through immunohistochemistry in tracheas of experimentally and naturally infected chickens. Avian Diseases 57:36-40, 2013.
  • Kang, K.I., A.H. Icard, E. Linnemann, H.S. Sellers and E. Mundt. Determination of the full length sequence of a chicken astrovirus suggests a different replication mechanism. Virus Genes 44(1):45-50. 2012. Epub 2011 Aug 31.
  • Williams, S.M. and H.S. Sellers. Response of White Leghorn Chickens to Infection with Avian Leukosis Virus Subgroup J and Infectious Bursal Disease Virus. Avian Dis. 56(1):2-6. 2012.
  • Kyung-Il Kang, Mohamed El-Gazzar, Holly S. Sellers, Fernanda Dorea, Susan M. Williams, Taejoong Kim, Stephen Collett & Egbert Mundt. Investigation into the aetiology of runting and stunting syndrome in chickens. Avian Path. 41(1):41-50. 2012. Epub 4 Nov 2011.
  • W. Drew Parker, Bwalya Lungu, Roy D. Berghaus, Holly S. Sellers, Ivan Ricardo Alvarado, and Charles L. Hofacre. Comparison of Real-Time PCR with Conventional PCR and Culture to Assess the Efficacy of a Live Attenuated Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Vaccine Against Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis in Commercial Leghorn Chicks Vaccinated Under Field and Laboratory Conditions. Avian Dis. 55(2):248-254. 2011.
  • Durairaj, V., H.S. Sellers, E.G. Linnemann, A.H. Icard and E. Mundt. Investigation of the antigenic evolution of field isolates using the reverse genetics system of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). Arch Virol. 156:1717-1728, 2011.
  • Jackwood, M.J., D.A. Hilt, H.S. Sellers, S.M. Williams, and H.N. Lasher. Rapid Heat-treatment attenuation of Infectious Bronchitis Virus. Avian Pathol. 39:277-233. 2010.
  • Candelora, K., M.G. Spalding, H.S. Sellers. Survey for antibodies to infectious bursal disease virus serotype 2 in wild turkeys and sandhill cranes of Florida. J Wildl Dis. 46:742-752. 2010
  • Sellers, H.S., E. Linnemann, A. Icard, E. Mundt. A purified recombinant baculovirus expressed capsid protein of a new astrovirus provides partial protection to Runting Stunting syndrome in chickens. Vaccine 28: 1253-1263, 2010.
  • Petkov, D.I., E.G. Linnemann, D.R. Kapczynski, and H.S. Sellers. Identification and characterization of two distinct bursal B-Cell subpopulations following infectious bursal disease virus infection of white leghorn chickens. Avian Dis. 53:347-355, 2009. [AWARDED P.P.LEVINE AWARD for BEST PAPER IN 2009 AVIAN DISEASES].
  • Gerhold, R.W., H.S. Sellers, L. Ariaga. Examination for double-stranded RNA viruses in Trichomonas gallinae and identification of a novel sequence of a Trichomonas vaginalis virus. Parasitology Research 105:775-779, 2009.
  • Akins, D, P.L. Rule, M.R. Keener, H.S. Sellers, J.E. Line, M. Simmons, M.A. Harrison, and K.L. Hiett. Simplified capacitance monitoring for the determination of Campylobacter spp. Growth rates. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology. 16: 425-430. 2008.
  • Icard, A.H., H.S. Sellers, and E. Mundt. Detection of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Isolates with unknown antigenic properties by reverse genetics. Avian Dis. 52:590-598. 2008.
  • Kapczynski, D. R., L. L. Perkins and H.S. Sellers. Mucosal vaccination with formalin inactivated avian metapneumovirus subtype C does not protect turkeys following intranasal challenge. Avian Dis. 52(1):28-33. 2008.
  • Moscoso, H, J. Bruzual, H.S. Sellers, and C.L. Hofacre. FTA®-Liver impressions as DNA template for detecting and genotyping fowl adenovirus. Avian Dis. 51(1):118-121. 2007.
  • Petkov, D. I., E.G. Linnemann, D.R. Kapczynski, and H.S. Sellers. Full length sequence analysis of four Infectious Bursal Disease Virus isolates with different pathogenicities. Virus Genes, 34(3): 315-326. 2007.

Book Chapters

  • Schat, Karel and H.S. Sellers. Cell Culture Methods In:A Laboratory Manual for the Isolation and Identification of Avian Pathogens, 5th edition. American Association of Avian Pathologists, L. Dufour-Zavala, D.E. Swayne, J.R. Glisson, J.E. Pearson, W.M. Reed, M.W. Jackwood, and P.R. Woolcock, eds. OmniPress, Inc. Madison, WI, pp. 195-203. 2008.

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